Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences

Adverse Childhood Experiences are traumatic events that occur during childhood (0-17). They have lasting, negative effects on health, well-being, and opportunity.

The initial CDC study identifies 10 ACEs— which were focused mainly on adversities in the home — and divides them into 3 categories as follows:

  1. Abuse

    1. Physical

    2. Emotional

    3. Sexual

  2. Neglect

    1. Physical

    2. Emotional

  3. Household Dysfunction

    1. Mental Illness

    2. Incarcerated Relative

    3. Mother Treated Violently

    4. Substance Abuse

    5. Divorce

While Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can impact the life of a child - a loving, caring, healthy relationship and positive experiences can offset the toxic effects of ACEs.  Resilience is a combination of skills learned through healthy relationships that help us overcome the adversity we have experienced in life.

Join the movement to help create a more compassionate and connected community so our children grow up safe and securely attached so they can go on to achieve academic and personal success!

For further information, see the following link: https://weempoweraces.org/aces/