2025-2027 Strategic Plan
Drafted December 2024
Vision: Elevate Montana Helena Affiliate believes that all children have a fundamental right to live in safe families and communities, to be emotionally and physically healthy, and to receive the necessary support to achieve academic and personal success.
Mission: Elevate Montana Helena Affiliate’s purpose is to educate the community on Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACES) to increase wellbeing and resilience of community members, resulting in lowered incidents of physical and mental health issues related to toxic stress and the attendant monetary costs.
Strategy #1 Advocate for mission and vision through education and outreach initiatives.
Goal 1 – Increase advocacy by utilizing the website, professional networks, and sharing of resources related to PACES and building resilience.
· Initiative 1A: Develop a communication plan by year-end 2025 to implement in 2026-2027.
· Initiative 1B: Produce printed and digital brochure to raise awareness of EMHA by Q1 2025.
· Initiative 1C: Create one toolkit annually targeting specific sectors (2025 – Healthcare, 2026 – Parents, 2027 – educators)
Goal 2 – Provide in-person education to the community on PACES in order to create knowledge leading to transformation of attitude, behaviors, and beliefs that build resilience and wellbeing.
· Initiative 2A: Conduct train-the-trainer workshops two times a year to a minimum of 12 individuals annually.
· Initiative 2B: Provide at least 4 presentations annually to the community fulfilling 100% of requests.
· Initiative 2C: Conduct annual PACES update to membership.
Goal 3 – Engage in targeted outreach to build awareness of PACES and develop connections with community members interested in being educated on resilience and wellbeing.
· Initiative 3A: Engage in networking by participating in relevant community events at least four times a year.
· Initiative 3B: Provide information on resources tables at relevant community events at least four times a year.
· Initiative 3C: Host/co-host event to bring people together to raise awareness of PACES and build community resilience at least 2 times a year.
Strategy #2 Sustain the vitality of EMHA as a nonprofit.
Goal 4 – Demonstrate impact of EMHA efforts fulfilling vision and mission annually.
· Initiative 4A: Collect relevant data showing effectiveness, involvement, and participation in EMHA education, outreach and advocacy endeavors.
· Initiative 4B: Gather relevant community reports of needs assessments related to factors that affect PACES.
Goal 5 – Grow membership annually by 5% and contacts added to distribution list by 10% annually.
· Initiative 5A: Develop a membership growth plan by year-end 2025 including baseline participation, diversity of sectors, and level of participation of existing members.
Goal 6 – Create plan for diversified funding streams and annual budget supporting EMHA strategic goals by year-end 2025.
· Initiative 6A: Dues. Utilize the membership growth initiative to solidify income through dues.
· Initiative 6B: Donations. Utilize online donation platform that can be added to all communications.
· Initiative 6C: Fees. Develop a training fee policy by June 2025 to include speaker fees, professional services contracts, length of presentations, and materials fee charged per participant.
· Initiative 6D: Grants. In 2025, develop impact talking points and identify potential grants that could be applied for in 2026 or 2027.