EMHA Strategic Plan 2022-2027


Increase the quality of life and resilience of community members, while lowering the incidence of physical and mental health issues related to toxic stress and the attendant reduction in monetary costs.

Objective 1) Raise Awareness and build community capacity through educational projects of the importance of ACEs and a trauma-informed approach in the community as a whole,


1. Parent Community Café’s will be offered quarterly in partnership with Early Childhood Coalition, United Way of Lewis & Clark Area and Rocky Mountain Head Start.

2. ACE/Resilience presentations will take place monthly.

3. Workplace CARES trainings will take place as contracted.

4. Networking at targeted community events.

5. Partner with local agencies to post awareness material.

6. Numbers of presentations and participants will be tracked.

7. When evaluations from presentations/trainings are use


Objective 2) Advocate for the implementation of trauma-informed approaches in key sectors such as education, justice system, social services, health care, mental health care and other areas as they arise.


2.1) acknowledge and advocate for the increase in organizations that stand out as successfully using the ACES/resilience knowledgebase.


·       Rocky Mountain Head Start

·       Montana Joining Community Forces Camp IVY (Investing In Veteran Youth)

·       Shodair’s Sanctuary Model

·       Intermountain

·       ChildWise – Trainings

·       Early Childhood Coalition – Maternal Mental Health Task Force


1.     Create a community campaign to acknowledge existing organizations

1.a) Record testaments & market

1.b) Hold a gathering of existing and potential organizations


2.2) advocate for the tools that better inform social and emotional wellbeing between adults and youth

Identified Tools and Resources

·       PAX Good Behavior Game

·       Circle of Security of Parenting

·       Love & Logic

·       Parenting Montana

·       Military One Source


1.     Increase EMHAs visibility in the community

1.a) marketing

·      HCTV recording – post to own social media & collaborators

1.b) website

2.c) blog


Objective 3) Advocate to reduce sources of toxic stress in community.


1.    A parent leadership group will be developed and supported through initial collaboration with Early Childhood Coalition, United Way of Lewis & Clark Area and Rocky Mountain Head Start.

2.    Monthly event for parents– such as “Resilience Skill of the Month”


Objective 4) Collaboration/partner with community groups that enhance the work we are doing

Current Partnerships:

            Early Childhood Coalition

            Lewis & Clark County Suicide Prevention Coalition

            Lewis & Clark Area United Way


1.     Promote training through dissemination of current opportunities as they arise

2.     Train 100% of regularly attending EMHA members on ACE/Resilience and 90% will have at least one universal Suicide Prevention training

3.     EMHA’s website will have applicable resources for ACEs, resilience, and suicide prevention

4.     Participate in the development and sustainability of the parent leadership group. Outcomes will be shared with our partners to ensure that parents voices are heard so their needs are better met

5.     Collaborate with LCC SPC, BHLAC and others to organize annual Block Party’s for mental health awareness and suicide prevention.

6.     Hold a gathering of Helena area coalitions yearly.